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May Madness

 Ah, May.  How I love/loathe you.  May in our house is...well it is INSANE.  It used to be April.  But dance has shifted recital to May and now my May feels like a never-ending spinning vortex of chaos.  And some of this I have done to myself.  I do realize this.  I am not even going to pretend like some of this is not absolutely my fault.  I did volunteer to do two presentations at two different conferences during the month of May.  And I also volunteered to serve on two conference planning committees for conferences that happen in June, which means May is absolutely GO TIME!  But, I forgot just how much time dance takes in recital month.  And this year is worse because small child is in the highest level of classes at her studio so that means she has a big part and that means more time.   My Flying Monkey But, did I realize that this month I would also need blood work (I am sure I am fine.  Do not freak out....

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