All About Me

Tell me about yourself is the one question that is asked in job interviews that makes my skin crawl. Well, that and what is your greatest weakness.  But, that is the purpose of this page so here goes.

I am married to a wonderful man who in this space is referred to as the husband.  I have three children, two of whom are legally adults and one who is younger but no longer shorter than I am.  My parents live about a mile away from me in a very out of the way, middle of nowhere, Texas town with more cows than people.  These are the people that make up my day-to-day home life.

After many long years of study, I am currently the Electronic Resources & Acquisitions Librarian at an amazing university an hour and 15 minutes from home.  I am in charge of all things electronic resources and a really nice chunk of the library budget among other things.   It is a good job with a really great group of people who make up my work life.

If I am not at home or at work you will most likely find me chauffering the smallest child to dance or her dad's.  Other than that I may be shopping for pretty things I probably won't buy because I can't afford them, or reading whatever new novel has crossed my desk.  And if I am really lucky I am at a rock concert or on vacation somewhere that requires me to leave my cozy indoor preferential locations to places where I will sweat and not look at all like the normal version of me.

And of course, I do like pina coladas, but not getting caught in the rain.  I mean really? Who needs the hair issues that will cause?


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