Where the Hell Have I Been?

Well hello, friends, acquaintances, and random strangers that thought it would be a good idea to be nosey and check out my crazy life. To say I have been MIA is ...well it is a major understatement.  Let's face it, I disappeared off the face of the planet. I mean, not really for those of you that know me, but figuratively I totally jumped off the edge of Discworld (please look up the reference if you do not get it).  So, where the hell have I been? Let's start in January of 2019 since I left you in December of 2018.

January 2019

All right kiddos, let's all get into the Wayback machine (again...look it up people) and travel over two years into the past.  So, what happened.  Well...I started looking for a job.  It became clear that the community college I was working at would continue to put more and more on the library and give us less and less to work with while supporting employees who did not put their best foot forward.  And...while I loved my job and almost all of the people I worked with...I had to leave for my sanity.  That and I lost my right hand at work to the very university that I was hoping to go to work for.  Karma sometimes is not a fickle B.  Sometimes Karma brings you gifts that you have worked for and earned.

February 2019

The call came.  What call you ask?  The call for a phone interview and then the subsequent calls to prepare me for the in-person interview.  Early February meant that I had to pull out my interview suit.  Yes, everyone needs an interview suit. And I headed off to an interview that would end up changing the course of my career.  But, at the time I just knew that I was nervous and heading into an unknown environment that I knew was an amazing opportunity.  For those of you that have never interviewed for a professional librarian position at a university, and I am assuming that is most people, it is a process.  A day-long, sometimes several days-long process.  You start with a quick hello and end up doing a presentation, multiple interview sessions with different groups, lunch, tours of facilities, more interviews, and in my case ending with a meaningful exchange with the woman that would become my mentor and an amazing friend and supervisor.  I left the library thinking that I had either totally nailed that interview or made a complete fool of myself.  I am sure it was a bit of both knowing that tissues and tears did make an appearance.  But, that happens when you are an emotional crier and are passionate about what you do.

March 2019

The big call came.  The job was mine if I wanted it...and you bet your behind I wanted it.  So a month's notice was given.  All classes were taught.  My office of four years was cleared.  I said my goodbye's And went merrily on my way.  

April 2019

And so it began.  The beginning of my new life.  You cannot even call it a new career.  Everything was different.  I went into the job thinking I would not really know what I was doing.  What I found was a place where I was trusted to figure it out and embrace to process of learning.  I traveled the second day of work to a consortium meeting in Dallas for an overnight stay where I had my own room and met wonderful people.  Then the next week I went to Austin to meet with vendors at TLA where again...I had my own room even though there were many of us present.  I was allowed to have my space while still being embraced in the culture of my new work home.  I found myself valued in ways that made me realize I had been undervalued before.  Not by my fellow librarians...but by administration of the academic institutions that expected miracles from me and yet did not reward me when I produced them.  

May 2019 - February 2020

And so it continued.  I worked and I traveled.  I traveled so much.  I traveled with a purpose to grow and learn as a professional.  I met weekly with my supervisor/mentor.  I met weekly with my staff who I hope see me as a mentor.  I created a budget for library resources that was in millions of dollars with room for new ideas.  I help and chaired meetings.  I pushed for change and GOT IT! I took over the ILL department and made changes there also.  I streamlined processes and policies.  I worked.  But, at the end of the day I went home.  And when I was home I was home.  I learned a work/life balance that I had been missing for a decade.  

March 2020

Oh March of 2020...how I love and hate you.  It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  March came in like a lamb, but oh how the lion reared his ugly head.  I started March by...you guessed it...traveling.  A quick jaunt to Austin with my husband at my side for a conference.  That is right.  He gets to go with me if we pay his way.  My university allows my family to take advantage of opportunities to learn and travel while I work.  I told you...work/life balance.  

And during this amazing conference (ER&L if anyone is interested) while I learned and grew as a professional and the husband rode his motorcycle and visited with friends....Covid was spreading.  I received an email the last day of the conference ordering me home.  This was Thursday.  Friday, I got a call from the boss lady to come and take my laptop home because we were moving to a WFH model for the next two weeks.  And Saturday I went to my sister's wedding. Yes...I know I do not have a biological sister.  But, I have three sisters in love by choice and they are amazing.  So...the family celebrated love.  And Sunday we went home.  And we stayed home.  And stayed home.  And stayed home.

April 2020 - present

I am still home.  No travel.  But training online and so much change at work.  Change I was responsible for.  Change that moved us forward as a unit.  Change that eased our jobs.  We found that I can do my job from my desk in my kitchen.  I do not need the big office, although I miss my office.  We are going to shift back to work one day a week very soon.  One day.  Not 5.  ONE!

You know the best part of staying home.  We stayed safe.  And...I paid off a ton of bills, I redid my bedroom, and I have made plans to go to Disney World in the fall.  Life went on.  And we learned from it.  

Final Thoughts

You notice I did not explain why I was not on here.  Honestly, I forgot about it while changing my life to one that worked better for me. But, I was reminded by a friend that this blog brought her enjoyment.  It also brings me joy.  It is cathartic to get it all out.  So...I will fill you in on some things.  Some will be work-related, some home-related, some random thought that no one will care about but me.  

So, there it is.  That is where the hell I have been.   


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