Why Did I Not Go To Design School?

Not everyone knows this, but when I was applying to colleges in high school I applied to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg.  Yep, the girl who hates to be cold applied to school in Pittsburg.  Why did I apply there specifically?  Honestly, it was because they have a great design program and I was told by my high school guidance counselor that I would never get in because my coursework lacked the academic rigor that would be needed.  And therefore, me being me, I applied just to piss him off.  And you know what? I got in.  I got accepted to every school that I applied to.  And I took great pleasure in showing him that he sucked and was wrong.  And then he said great, let's talk about what you are going to...blah, blah, blah...And I realized that it did not matter that I was accepted.  I could not afford to go to Pittsburg.  Honestly, I could not afford to go anywhere.  My parents made just a bit too much for me to get any kind of help.  And the idea of being that far in debt at 21 terrified me so I did what anyone who is scared to death would do...I married husband numero uno.  Smart move right?  You can say no, it is ok. 

So what brought this little jaunt down memory lane on you might ask? Well, over the past few months you may have noticed that we have redone our living room and small child's bedroom.  Every time I have found items I have purchased in the new publication of several popular design magazines.  First, it was a lamp, then a basket, and now...small child's desk chair.

Exhibit 1: The chair I bought on Saturday at Hobby Lobby for less than $35

Exhibit 2: The magazine I purchased on the same day but did not read until Monday at dance class.

Exhibit 3: The Home Depot advertisement from inside the magazine

Exhibit 4: A page from a designer showcase article in the magazine

Exhibit 5: A page from a different magazine (Magnolia Journal) for a different designer showcase article.

Exhibit 6: Just found today on the HGTV Magazine website:

IT IS THE SAME DAMN CHAIR!!! Y'all, I could have been paid to buy the same chair I bought for my daughter for someone else.  I missed my calling.  If anyone wants advice on what chair to buy, you know where to find me.  And the answer right now is clearly this one.  Buy this chair, all the designers are.  


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