The Husband

Anyone who really knows me will know that I have been married before.  Like a few times before.  Ok, like this is the 4th try at this whole marriage thing and I think I finally got it right.  Do not get me wrong, my ex (the most recent one and father to small child) is a great guy and a good dad.  We just didn't end up working.  We shall not speak of the others, although #2 did provide me with the two eldest children so, I guess we could thank him for that.  But #4 is a keeper.

The husband is...well...a United States Marine.  Once a marine, always a marine.  And he stands his ground when he thinks he is right and will apologize if he is wrong.  He rarely asks for directions and will tell you he did not use his blinker because it is not anyone's business where he is going.  When he laughs everyone knows.  But more importantly, when he loves know without a doubt.

I have been told that we are so different.  How could we possibly work? We have nothing in common.  We have lots in common, we just vote differently.  We don't talk politics.  We respect each other's religious preferences.  And the rest we roll with.  We aren't like most people we know.  We really do not fit the cookie cutter mold of our little town.  You will not find us in church on Sunday morning.  What you will find is a man that makes my coffee every morning and drives the small child to dance class and waits for several hours while eldest child's car gets new tires.

This was our wedding:

And this was last night:

I am a lucky woman.  He loves me. Better than that, he loves all of me.  I am not too much or not enough.  I am his and he is mine.  And yes, he has a brother...but you don't want him. 


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