When in doubt...Take your Momma shopping!

As most of you know my darling husband and I live in the house that he grew up in.  We live in what I lovingly refer to as the "middle of nowhere" and tell people that our town population sign includes the number of cows that live there.  This rural existence does not necessarily lend itself to the type of things that I like to do.  My darling friend Leslie recently referred to my sense of style as "Sophisticated Glamour", which might be the nicest thing anyone has said to me maybe ever.  

Needless to say, my home is really more functional that fashionable due to the age and our middle class economic standing as well as the fact that we have a menagerie of children and pets.  The thing is...well...I spend the majority of my time at home in the living room.  Just me.  The kids are in their rooms or off doing who knows what as two of the three are college students.  And the husband...see my last blog post...we have already discussed his penchant for escaping to his domain.  So, really the space is mine and I was more than ready for it to reflect me.  

What did I do, you may be asking yourself? At least I hope you are otherwise I am just rambling aimlessly through my thoughts.  Which clearly is the norm for me.   Anyhow, here is what I did...

1. Took my momma shopping! Y'all, do not tell my mom you are thinking about, considering, or even may one day contemplate an activity because she will help you do it and/or shop for it.  Needless to say we ended up at Tuesday Morning where we found this:

Now, my first though about this amazingly beautiful piece of furniture was, "I bet I can't afford it" which was quickly followed by, "The husband is never gonna approve that".  But, since I was with my mom and she encourages my bad behavior, I texted my husband and the crazy man said, "Yes baby, you can buy that beautiful, shiny, girly thing and get rid of my hideously ugly DVD holder". Well, not in those words; but that is totally what he meant. So, I bought it...and a new set of metal and concrete shelving which is amazingly industrial to offset my glitter.  And that meant that the ugly TV stand could leave with the DVD holder.  Total win right? I thought so, and so did my mom.  

2. We shopped some more! Did I mention this was an all day adventure, because it totally was.  Next stop was T.J.Maxx, cause this girl loves a bargain.  And all we bought was new curtains.  Which are a lovely grey/taupe odd color that goes perfectly with the gold/silver of the new storage cabinet.  And best of all, they sparkle!! Cause glitter is allowed to be your favorite color.  

3. Took my mom and my youngest home and came back to the store and picked up furniture with the husband.  And then celebrated my amazing finds with friends over dinner.

And...I thought I was done.  Notice I said thought.


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