What Happens When Your Non-Shopping Child Goes Shopping
The Monday of spring break was crazy busy for us. The husband and eldest girl child who is officially an adult at the ripe old age of 20 had to make a run to Dallas to pick up the manchild. For those not in the family loop, the manchild is the eldest daughter's boyfriend. We love him. They are good together. But anyhow, upon their arrival back at the house, it was decided that my girl children, the manchild, and I would go to Weatherford for lunch. So we did. And lunch was awesome as it always is at Shep's Place. And then the happy couple went one way and small child (my youngest) and I went shopping.
Now, I feel I need a disclaimer here. Small child hates to shop. She would rather gnaw off a body part than go shopping. Somehow, my love of window shopping and finding that one perfect thing by spending hours browsing aimlessly has escaped her genetic profile. But today, o frabjous day, she agreed to shop. So off we went. And we ended up in Home Zone which is conveniently located next to Target. And really, who passes by Target without going in?
Here is the thing...I was not interested in purchasing furniture. I was just looking to see what was out there. And so we looked around. And we were left alone to do it. I feel I have to explain that Home Zone is non-commission and they say hi and then let you look. It was quite refreshing. And believe me, we looked. We sat on many couches. And then Laine found this:
And wouldn't you know, it was on sale y'all! And my small child made herself comfortable on the chaise section of this small sectional and said, "Can we buy this? I like this one." And you know what? I liked that one too. And it was affordable and fit my personality and made me smile just seeing small child sit on it because I knew that maybe it would mean she would come out of the cocoon she has created for herself in her room. Thus, the text and photos to the husband commenced. And the silly man said, "If you like it, baby, then get it." What was he thinking?
Now, I feel I need a disclaimer here. Small child hates to shop. She would rather gnaw off a body part than go shopping. Somehow, my love of window shopping and finding that one perfect thing by spending hours browsing aimlessly has escaped her genetic profile. But today, o frabjous day, she agreed to shop. So off we went. And we ended up in Home Zone which is conveniently located next to Target. And really, who passes by Target without going in?
Here is the thing...I was not interested in purchasing furniture. I was just looking to see what was out there. And so we looked around. And we were left alone to do it. I feel I have to explain that Home Zone is non-commission and they say hi and then let you look. It was quite refreshing. And believe me, we looked. We sat on many couches. And then Laine found this:
https://homezonefurniture.com/pacific-beach-sectional |
Does it matter what he was thinking? Nope, because small child and I bought a sofa....and a coffee table...but I needed it cause it looks good with the sofa.
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