Just When You Think You are Finished...

I thought I was done.  I really did.  I bought the pretty, wonderful cabinet and the husband and I brought it home.  And then I had to empty the old DVD holder and things began to get interesting. 

Have you ever emptied and moved a piece of furniture that has been in the same place for over a decade?  Let me tell you, there will be dead things.  But worse, there will be live things.  If you are lucky you will be able to vacuum up all of the dead things while turning the live things into dead things.  Have I mentioned that I hate crawly bugs, or flying bugs, or just bugs?  Did I know there was a spider living withing a few feet of me for who knows how long? No.  No, I did not.  But, I do now and even though I know I killed that particular spider I now have a fear of hiding creepy crawlies.

Anyhow, what happens when you remove a piece of furniture from the stone age and clean behind it and around it and near it is...well you end up cleaning your entire living room and organizing your shelves and all kinds of spring cleaning stuff that you had no intention of doing even though it was in fact, spring break. And then you know what happens? Joy! That's right, absolute joy.  Because here you were thinking that you needed new shelves to house all of your books and what you really needed was to get rid of books that your children had outgrown and you no longer were going to read and send them off to a new home to be loved.  And before one of you reminds me that I am a librarian and I love books, I will remind you that weeding a collection keeps it healthy and growing. 

After all of that happens and your living space is clean and the new cabinet is in place and holds all of the DVDs that it needs to, and the new TV stand is in place, and bonus- the husband has hooked up the surround sound, and you sit back all filled with joy for a job well done...something happens.  You realize that you really hate your current couch.  Now don't get me wrong, old couch has lived through some stuff, a divorce, a move, kids, several dogs, and my behind on it for 6 years.  And it was a cheap little couch.  And it looks like this now:

Not great.  Not horrible.  Sad, but clearly well loved.  But, it was ok.  I did not need a new couch.  I could wait and make due.  It was fine and my joy returned and all was right with the world because a start had been made.  Things were clean.  Life was good.  I was loved and happy.

And then...I took my 13 year old shopping!


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